Finally finished! I was able to catch up a few thoughts:
My main interest was to prove that I wasn´t the only one complaning about contemporary society. And It was striking about the ethnic issue, albeit some of his affirmations are questionable.
Considering Robert Putnam´s work was acceptable and reasonable: "trying to find a a relationship between increased diversity and loss of social capital. According to this book: diversity corrrelates negatively with social capital. The more you have of the one, the less you have of the other."
"in places with more ethnic diversity, people have fewer friends, watch more TV, are less inclined to vote, trust local government less, and rate their personal happiness lower" ...yikes
And then comes with Jerry Z. Muller: "Why after all has Europe been so harmoniuos since World War II? Why was the place so sensationally unhharmonious after World War I, whose horrors were surely instructive enough? The harmony, Muller tells us, was a result of ethnic disaggreagation, "which removed some of the greatest sources of conflict bouth within and between countries"
You name it: education myths, culturists, biologists and religious all fight against each other in other to claim truth!, 2008 economic crisis (caused technically through diversity ideologies and the presence of politics in economy) 100% Conservative Material